
Yoga Back Therapy is a type of yoga practice that focuses specifically on relieving and preventing back pain. In a one-to-one teaching setting, the teacher will work individually with the student to develop a customized practice that addresses their unique needs and concerns.

During a Yoga Back Therapy one-to-one teaching session, the teacher will assess the student’s posture, range of motion, and any areas of pain or tension in the back. They will then guide the student through a series of yoga poses and movements that are designed to stretch and strengthen the back muscles, improve spinal alignment, and promote overall back health.

The therapy can help to improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and increase mobility in the back. It is often used to help alleviate chronic back pain, improve posture, and prevent future injuries. Yoga Back Therapy can also help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can have a positive impact on overall health and wellbeing.

Overall, Yoga Back Therapy one-to-one teaching is a personalized and effective way to address back pain and improve overall back health through the practice of yoga. The individualized approach allows the teacher to tailor the practice to the student’s unique needs and provide personalized guidance and support throughout the process.

Holistic Massage
Stone Massage
Indian Head Massage
Acupressure Chair Massage
Deep Tissue Massage